Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What we did this week!

Clay built Camden a new toy box

Lauging is Camden's new trick


Daddy got Camden dressed all by himself...

Addie and Clay made cupcakes, not sure who had more fun...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Just doing what we do...

Bath Time

Dinner time nap

New hat and gloves (loving them!!)

Zebra Chic

Laughing because Daddy has to hold her while he eats his breakfast 


All dressed up to go to the babysitters!! Daddy was in charge that morning.

Outfit is complete with boots, it's cold outside ya know!!

What are you looking at?

Monthly Pictures

She is growing and filling out nicely!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just some more pictures...

Snoozing on the couch

Camden's hands are always cold, so she has fashionable socks on them to keep warm!!

Playing with Daddy

Daddy is just way too funny!!

Sitting in Daddy's spot, it's a serious task.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just some more pictures...

New Toy!!

Camden meets the neighbor girl, Iris. 

Trying to roll over, but her arm is in the way...

Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Day

The girls in thier Christmas dresses

Addie was all done with pictures and ready for presents!!

The little helper

Uncle Clay and Aunt Megan forgot to assemble Addie's present....oops!

Uncle Barry teaching Camden bad habits

Too Much Christmas!!

Christmas Eve

In church with Grama Nancy before the Baby Jesus Debut

Cousin Tanya is really funny...

Clay's favorite Christmas gift

Tyler trying out Camden's new chair

Russell Christmas 2011

You look familiar Santa....