Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Don't you just love the mornings...
This is usually how Camden wakes up in the morning.

Good Morning

Get me outta here now please

First time crawling up the stairs

Almost there

Made it!

Locked Mommy in the basement, but gave her a kiss first

Camden is 11 Months Old!!!
Trying to fly...

Cooperating for pictures???

Ready to run

Enough pictures already!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A New Friend
Playing in the swimming pool
(minus the water, sun, and beach)

Savannah: Camden you do realize there isn't any water, right?

Checking each other out in the playhouse

Looks like Miss Camden is a little territorial.
Guess we better start working on the "sharing" thing.
Savannah: What's Camden's deal?  I'm just trying to play here!!

Reading a book with Grama

Kissing the doggy in the book

Daddy Daycare
Cool Ride

Is that a doorbell?

Yep, and it works!!

Playing on the porch in her playhouse

Watching TV in her chair...

Cousin Lauren's Baby Shower
Aunt Stella and Camden

Buddies - Cousin Lauren, Camden, and Baby Girl Doherty

Grama Cyndi helped me play on the table!!!

This is pretty cool!
Here Lauren, I will help you

Hmmm, what's over here?

New buddy - Cousin Kayleigh and Camden

Are you sure you don't want help?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Work, Work, Work...

I'm busy, please leave me alone

I'm so stressed out!

Just a Happy Kid

Swimming at the Noga Beach

All Done!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A new suitcase and she's ready to go...however, Mom comes with!!

She was stuck behind the chair, but finally escaped

Sharing Daddy's lime popsicle

Not real sweet


Helping with the laundry